Sunday, November 15, 2009

#2 Lab

To whoever is reading this,
I am a 10th grade student at Northern high school and for my civics and economics project I wrote about these three political beliefs.
I have mixed feelings about abortion. I believe that if a woman gets raped, she should have the choice to get an abortion. Also if a woman finds out when she is pregnant, that her baby is going to be severely mentally retarded or has no chance of surviving, she should get an abortion so that the baby won’t suffer when he or she is born. I’m also kind of against it too. I believe that if a sixteen-year-old gets pregnant, she shouldn’t get an abortion because there are many mothers out there who would love to adopt that baby. I also believe that abortion should NOT be used as a birth control.
I’m for the death penalty. I believe the purpose of the death penalty is to remove someone from society who would cause more harm, to deter others from committing crime, to punish the criminal, and to take retribution on behalf of the victim.
I’m against the war in Iraq. I believe the U.S should withdraw its troops from Iraq because it would save the lives of many American troops and allow them to go home. It may also motivate terrorists to stop attacking innocent civilians in Iraq. Also, Iraq is no longer the direct threat to the U.S that was under Saddam, and so we have no business fighting in its civil war.
If you would like to, you can respond with an email and send it to the email posted above. You can share your views and put what you think about those topics.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

#6 lab last thing that i had to do with it!!!!!

For the items, I was required to put them in a box and seal it off and put a date on it and open it on that date. So I stuck the pics of the items in the box and stuck it in my attic. I was originally going to bury it in my backyard, but my dad didnt want to dig a hole in the yard so he told me to go stick it in the attic, so I did.

lab# 6 item #10

This is a picture of "Octo Mom." She is pregnant with eight babies. This is important because in the year 2009, scientists created this thing were you could get pregnant with more than one child. She did this because she wanted to have her own tv show like Kate Gosslin and make alot of money from doing it.
I think she did the wrong thing because it really is dangerous have more than three babies at once but thats just my opinion.

Lab #6 time capsule item 9

This is a picture of Kate Gosslin from the tv series Jon and Kate plus 8. Kate has been in the news alot because her husband Jon cheated on her. This is important because its like tabloid nws that has been going around. She somehow manges her 8 kids by herself and I find that really impressive.
I used to watch Jon and Kate plus 8 all the time but now simce there divorced i stopped watching it because the media pretty much ruined it for me haha

Monday, November 2, 2009

#6 lab time capsule item #8

This is a newspaper. It tells us from topics about how the Carolina Panthers are doing to the weather to the stock market. It also keeps me updated about how our community is doing.
I don't really read they paper that much but I need to read it more.

#6 lab time capsule #7

This is a cell phone. This is another huge part of our daily lives. We can call, text, check emails, and play music on them.
I can't live without my cell phone

#6 time capsule item #6

This is a picture of Barrack Obama. He is the first black president to ever be elected.
Thats all I have to say about him hahaha

#6 time capsule item 5

This is a picture of Michael Jackson. He recently died this summer. In my generation he was known for molesting little boys and making his kids wear masks when they were out in public. In my parents generation he was the man!! He created hits like "Thriller", "Billie Jean", "Smooth Criminal", and "Beat it" Ect. He was also known for creating the moonwalk and the legendary one glove
I saw the Michael Jackson "This is it" movie. Simply Amazing!!

#6 lab time capsule item #4

Its the new trend nowadays to go green and protect the enviroment. Honda created a car that was energy sufficent and didn't pollute the air with carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. It also has a 45 mpg tank so you save alot of money from getting gas every week.
This is my mom's hot ride. I love this car because theres a sirius radio in it!!!

#6 lab time capsule item #3

Starbucks Coffee is the leading coffee in the United States and maybe the entire world. They use top quality coffee beans imported from places like Brazil. Not only in the coffee extremley good, its a great place to hang out in because they have a wireless internet service that is completely free.
I don't normally drink Starbucks Coffee that much because its a bit expensive ,but when I do go I enjoy it very much.

Lab #6 time capsule item 2

In the year 2001, Apple created the ipod. This model here can hold up to at least 9,000 songs, 500 vidoes, and alot of pictures. A new thing is now decorating the ipod by putting on fancy cover and cases to proctect the ipod from getting scratched. I got that sticker cover at Urban Outfitters.
This is the number one item that I use all the time to listen to my favorite bands and to help me get through all my homework.

Lab #6: Time Capsule Item 1

In the year 2009, fashion is a big part of today's culture. Name brands and designer brands make up most of what we wear. Brands include Abercrombie, American Eagle, Converse, UGG, Hollister, and Ed Hardy. The picture on the left is an UGG boot. These are the shoes that most girls were on a regular basis because they keep your feet warm and are very comfortable.
My opinion of UGG boot is that I find them really annoying and extremly expensive. Every girl at Northern has a pair and who ever created tem named them right hahah