Monday, September 28, 2009

#10 lab day two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord have mercy, I've never had so much homework as I did tonight. Teachers need to lay off Monday nights when we are exhausted from sleeping in during the weekend and then having to wake up at the crack of dawn. Anyway, enough with the my moaning and complaining let's do what I came her for and that is this project!!

I didn't listen to the radio when I was driving home from my philosphy club because I was too busy talking to my mom. We talked about how everybody uses the term "that's so gay" and how it could be very offensive to the people who actually are gay.
ANYWAY, I didn't go on the internet or read a magazine. I did read the "Consumer Report Magazine" while I was eating a blueberry pop tart for breakfast, but I don't think that really counts because I was reading the article that had to do with what is better: name brand products or store brand products?
Anyway I'm going to go relax and go listen to my ipod. Goodnight Mr. Hultberg or whoever is reading this blog and stalking me. :D

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